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Available in 0.25 Litre and 1 Litre options.


Always read and strictly follow all information on product label.


Most Barrier creams are too greasy to work with. B-10 is different and made from high-end cosmetic ingredients found in some of the best cosmetics in the world. B-10 makes your skin feel amazing from the first application with a silky feel but no greasiness.

B-10 was designed to protect worker's hands from the damaging effects of exposure to grease, grime, oil, fuel, harsh chemicals and over washing. It will also make it easier to clean dirty hands.


B-10 should be applied liberally to hands prior to work and after each wash, paying particular attention to the fingers and fingernails. Approx 1 min after application, hands will be dry, protected and ready for work.


Additional Benefits:


  • Will not leave hands greasy after it is rubbed into the hands so that workers can work with tools safely without the fear that they may slip out of their hands due to using the cream.
  • Will save companies money, as it not only protects hands from cracking and dermatitis, it repairs split, cracked and dermatitis affected hands and keeps workers working.
  • Contains sanitisers to help keep cuts and cracks free from infection and speed up the healing process.
  • B-10 is pH neutral and can be used safely on all skin types.
  • Ideal for use in Workshops, Offices, Hairdressing salons and around the home.
  • B-10 has achieved incredible results for bricklayers and stone masons, both of whom work in extremely harsh conditions.


B-10 should not be treated as a luxury item but a item necessary to keep workers on the job because their hands are always in a good condition for work.

ICT B-10 Barrier Cream

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