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High-Efficiency Magnesium Nutrition  and Soil Conditioning


Magprill is a 2-6 mm granule made from ultrafine, high purity dolomite with certified organic input.

lt is manufactured in Australia by Omya, the world’s leading producer of ultra-fine calcium and magnesium carbonates.

lt is a suitable alternative to Calciprill (granulated calcium carbonate) where higher levels of magnesium are required.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for photosynthesis and can alleviate toxicity of certain ions in the soil, including aluminium.

Magprill is low in dust, easy to spread and breaks down rapidly in moisture.

Magprillprovides the option of using your own fertiliser spread ing equipment  for a more timely application and can lower the risk of introducing off-farm pathogens or weeds.

Magprill can be direct drilled or air-seeded with lucerne, canola and cereals to aid in crop establishment.

When required, Magprill can be applied at lower rates to help maintain nutrient balance and to keep soil acidity at bay.

Regular maintenance of soil pH is agronomically preferable to applying larger quantities of dolomite or aglime on a typical 5 to 10 year basis.

Calciprill® GRANULATED ULTRAFINE LIMESTONE Calciprill® is a 2-6 mm lime granule m


Product Information and Rates: Dolomite Magprill

Dolomite Magprill - 20kg

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