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MKP 0-52-34


A fully soluble fertiliser containing Potassium and Phosphorus, recommended for vegetables, fruits, vines, flowers, turf and ornamentals.

The Mono Potassium Phosphate is the most readily available fertiliser form of Potassium and Phosphorus available. As a Nitrogen free fertiliser, MKP is the preferred source of Phosphorus and Potassium when Nitrogen should be limited.

It is a free flowing, fine crystalline powder which dissolves quickly in water.

MKP is suited to application through all fertigation systems - hydroponics, drip systems, low throw sprinklers, centre pivots and spray units.Rates:General fertigation rates for horticultural crops are between 25 to 70 kg/ha. When applying MKP through the irrigation system more frequent and smaller applications guarantee the nutrients are supplied to the plants without being lost due leaching or excessive rainfall. The actual rates, number of applications and their timing will vary considerably for different crops and for different districts. 


SDS: Mono Potassium Phosphate

MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate) 25kg

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